a). How to get started with Pre Order King?
Ans: To get started with Pre Order King, visit this URL: Installation Page:.
This link will take you through some easy steps to install and use Pre Order King.
b). How to disable the Pre-order option for a specific product?
Ans: In case you don’t want all your products available for pre-orders, you can simply follow the below-mentioned steps to disable the pre-order option for a specific product.
i) Go to the settings
ii) Click on the Dashboard tab
iii) Click on the disable option in front of the product you want to disable pre-order for.
iiii) Click save
c). How to change the pre-order button text?
In Pre Order King, it is ridiculously simple to change the look of the pre-order button text. Follow these simple steps to customize your pre-order button as per your wish.
Step 1: Go to setting
Step 2: Click on the button settings tab
Step 3: Click on the button text.
Step 4: Give it the name of your choice.
Step 5: Click on Save.
d). Can I change the pre-order button size?
Step 1: Go to setting
Step 2: Click on the button settings tab
Step 3: Click on the button text.
Step 4: Click on Save.
e). Can I change my subscription plan?
Ans: Yes